The best way to live your life, is the healthy way.

Hillcrest Health Nuts

Tel: 031 765 7794 | Cell: 079 860 3864

The Colony, 50 Old Main Road
Hillcrest, Durban

Your First Wealth is Health

Hillcrest Health Nuts

Healthy Lifestyle

Happy Healthy couple

The best way to live your life, is the healthy way. We all know the saying that Health is wealth. Living a healthy lifestyle is not that difficult to do, you need to know the right food to eat, the right multivitamins and the right exercise to do.

Slimming down

At Hillcrest Health Nuts we know that in this day and age, living a healthy lifestyle is not an easy thing to do. That is why we offer our customers many different products to choose from, to better their lives and health.

Nutritional ProductsAt Hillcrest Health Nuts, we understand and value the health of the Human body, that is why we offer a wide range of health products to all our customers. Our products are guaranteed to help you get your health back and help keep the flow and the balance within you.

Having a family is a big step to take, and there is no better way for you to give back to your family, then being healthy.The best thing you can do for yourself and loved ones is to find your balance through a healthy lifestyle. Hillcrest Health Nuts has been around for years, and we all know, to get better at something you need to practise and know it very well. The Hillcrest Health Nuts family, knows what they are doing, and enjoy helping people better their lives.

Health Products



These add nutrition to the human diet,they come in many different forms, but mostly tablets/pills. They help prevent cronic disease and help keep your body healthy

White willow bark

White willow bark

The use of White willow bark dates back to (400 BC). Hillcrest Health Nuts understands how stressfull work can be, that is why we know exactly what to give to help you for those long days at work or home. White willow bark plays the role of an aspirin, here are some of the things that white willow bark can help with:

  • Tension
  • headache
  • Low back pains
  • Osteoathritis
  • Menstrual cramps

Bee Pollen

Bee pollen

Bees are very important insects and can do wonders for our health with the work they do. Bee pollen has helped many people and is one of Hillcrest Health Nuts productd to their customers. The Bee pollen works to help with:

  • Allergies
  • Helps with aging
  • Asthma
  • Indigestion
  • Acne
  • Sore throat

Rooibos skin care

Rooibos skin care

Rooibos is a South African blend of plants that helps to rejuvinate and keep the skin looking and geeling fresh. They are rich in anti-oxidants, and help keep the skin looking younger. They are rich in vitamin E and alpha hydroxy acids. They have a wide range of products to choose from:

  • Moisturising day cream
  • Moisturising night cream
  • Facial scrub
  • Face wash
  • Body soap

These rooibos products are great, beacause they are especially made for South African skin, and they work very well.

We know and value human life and health. The best thing you can do for you and your family is to be healthy all your days, and wreal ntural foodse can help you on your journey.

Our doors are always open.

Fresh ingredients and products

Nuts & Seeds

Nuts and seeds





Essential oils

Essential Oils


Janice, the owner of Hillcrest Health Nuts has dedicated the past 27 years to the search for the healthiest way to live. Never looking back, Janice has allowed her love of people and her quest for good health to take her on travels across the country, where she has studied and learnt much, and it is from Hillcrest Health Nuts that Janice has decided to put all she has learned into practice.

Tel: 031 765 7794 | Cell: 079 860 3864

The Colony, 50 Old Main Road
Hillcrest, Durban